Ask Wug

Ask Wug - Addressing life’s conundrums

Dear Wug(z),

A student lists ‘Running towards an oncoming train’ as their best summer memory. Are they a suitable candidate for the ministry of Bible translation?

I think going into Bible translation is a lot like running towards an oncoming train. Good on them for preparing to be brave. Did you know this year’s chapel theme is “Do not be afraid”? This must have been an inspired decision on their part. Do be careful not to actually get hit by the train though. That wouldn’t be very nice.

Sweet Wug

Running towards an oncoming train is a dumb idea. Clearly this student has a high tolerance for danger and a low regard for self-preservation - ideal qualities for anyone trying to bring God’s Word to the world. If it’s an adrenaline rush they are after, nothing can beat consultant checking the book of Leviticus (or so I’ve heard).

Spicy Wug

Dear Wug(z),

My classmate keeps pronouncing words wrong. What should I do?

Dear Miss Proper,
Okay, there is something very important that we need to realize when we come to CanIL. It is the phrase, “It's not WRONG, it’s just DIFFERENT.” This will also serve you well in relationships (such as marriage) and in the future should you encounter other cultures. You can comment on the differences in how they speak as long as you first address WHAT they are saying. Most people will feel slightly put out if you only hear HOW they are saying it. That said, CanIL is a place where they might actually get more out of the discussion about pronunciation than if you stuck to the original topic at hand.
I hope this helps you in the future!

Sweet Wug

Clearly as a newly-trained linguist, your job is to share your expertise with your peers. I suggest you approach them armed with an IPA chart and a mirror, so they can quickly understand and remedy their errors. If find yourself being whacked on the head with a phonetics textbook (as an expression of gratitude) you have probably managed to get your point across.

Spicy Wug

Dear Wug(z),

Recently I was overheard singing “I’m a Professor at CanIL” while cleaning the washrooms on the second floor. The problem is, I’m not a professor, I’m a custodian.

Oh I just LOVE singing in the bathroom, don’t you? It makes your voice sound amazing! It’s like standing in a cathedral of thrones! Maybe there is an inner longing in you to be professor some day that is compelling you to sing. Listen to this inner voice and let it motivate you to study! 

Sweet Wug

Given the current economic situation of many of our staff, I wouldn’t be surprised if a professor applied to be a custodian to top up their support. However, that’s not the issue here. Impersonating a professor could be considered an act of intellectual appropriation, but it might depend how far you took it. For example, did you claim to “say things right and know how to spell”? You could argue that someone who has not yet reached the ranks of professor could make those claims. However, if you went as far as singing “I speak with a British accent, It makes me sound so smart…” then you should stop right there.

Spicy Wug

Dear Wug(z),

I love playing volleyball with CanIL staff and students, but I worry that my enthusiasm and skill might affect my grades.

Oh, I don’t think any prof would ever grade you different based on how good you are (or aren’t). Our faculty are never biased. The TAs, though… You might want to just make sure you are always on the same team. Just remember Jesus loves you no matter how bad you are at volleyball.

Sweet Wug

That all depends on the classes you are taking. If, for example, you are taking LACA or Phonetics the range of sounds you produce as you punch that ball past the ear of an unsuspecting prof is no doubt extremely educational, especially if your fellow students are able to help you analyze the point of articulation and presence or absence of fricative forces. If, on the other hand, you are taking Morphosyntax 2 with Dr. Sean, you have every reason to be concerned. The only remedy will be to deliberately drop a few points during that all-important staff vs students game.

Spicy Wug

Dear Wug(z),

I have to give a presentation about my linguistic research and I’ve no idea what to say. I’m worried that people will laugh at me. (Dr. S)

Oh, my dear Dr. S, I am sure people will just love whatever you have to say. Everyone is very interested in your topic. Also, might I suggest that if you speak in a British accent, you will sound smarter. Maybe you should just drink a nice cup of tea and take some deep breaths to settle your nerves.

Sweet Wug

I suspect you are suffering from Imposter Syndrome. Or perhaps you are faking this false modesty? Either way, it’s time to buckle up, present a stiff upper lip and give it your best shot. Just remember, people are only there for the cucumber sandwiches, so no one gives a fig what you actually say!

Spicy Wug

Dear Wug(z),

How do I stay productive through the rainy fall/ winter/ spring in lower BC? Sincerely, Seasonally Depressed

Oh yes, I completely understand this awful rainy season that makes you want to snuggle up with a cup of tea in a big fluffy blanket with a book and biscuits. Think of this as a time to persevere. I think a happy light will help. Maybe take some happy vitamins like vit. D and B for your sun deprivation and carry on with the mundane! You can do it!

Sweet Wug

It seems that some people will blame anything but themselves for their unproductivity. I mean, who wants to work on a beautiful sunny day, when you could be at the lake? Or after a fresh snowfall when you could be out making a snowman? I would have thought that rainy weather was the only time when it’s actually preferable to be working on a linguistics thesis than playing outside. The only acceptable form of procrastination during the rainy season is baking cookies or other treats for those who have to put up with your whinging and whining.

Spicy Wug